Rowing Boat Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions for Use of Rowing Boat at The Ashes Barns Wedding Venue

  1.     Acceptance of Terms

   - By using the rowing boat, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Non-compliance may result in the immediate termination of your access to the boat.

  1.     Prior Approval

   - Use of the rowing boat is by prior approval only. The Happy Couple must receive explicit permission from venue staff before using the boat.

  1.     Eligibility

   - The rowing boat may only be used by the Happy Couple during the Drinks Reception of their wedding day.

   - The maximum capacity of the boat is 2 persons, with no pets allowed.

  1.     Safety Requirements

   -     Boarding and Disembarking:     Do not board or disembark the boat without venue staff present. The boat will rock as you board and disembark, so proceed with caution.

   -     Tethering:    As a safety measure, the rowing boat is tethered to shore by rope so that venue staff can pull you back to the mooring should you encounter difficulties rowing. Do not untether the boat from its rope at any time.

   -     Footwear:     Flat footwear is required when using the boat to prevent slipping and ensure stability.

  1.     Florist or Stylist Responsibility

   - It is the responsibility of the Happy Couple to adequately explain to their florist or stylist that they may be required to board the rowing boat in order to dress it for photographs. Venue staff will not board the vessel for any reason.

  1.     Oar Responsibility

   - You are responsible for the oars should you choose to take them out. A charge of £60 will be applied for each lost oar.

  1.     Usage Guidelines

   - The boat is to be used only within the designated area of the pond.

   - No alcohol or drugs are to be consumed before or during the use of the boat.

   - Swimming from or near the boat is not allowed.

  1.     Inherent Risks

   -     Drowning:     There is a significant risk of drowning, particularly if safety guidelines are not followed.

   -     Capsizing:     The boat may capsize if overloaded, misused, or if weather conditions worsen suddenly.

   -     Hypothermia:     Prolonged exposure to cold water may result in hypothermia, even in mild weather conditions.

   -     Striking Underwater Objects:     The pond may contain submerged objects that could damage the boat or cause injury.

   -     Slipping and Falling:     Surfaces on the boat may become slippery when wet, increasing the risk of falls.

   -     Sudden Weather Changes:     Weather conditions can change rapidly, potentially leading to hazardous situations on the water.

  1.     Assumption of Risk

   - By using the boat, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with water activities, including but not limited to those listed above.

   - You agree that The Ashes Barns Wedding Venue shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, or fatalities that may occur as a result of using the boat.

  1.     Indemnity

   - Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Ashes Barns Wedding Venue, its owners, employees, and agents from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to the use of the boat.

  1.     Cancellation and Termination

   - The venue reserves the right to cancel or terminate your access to the boat at any time due to weather conditions, safety concerns, or non-compliance with these terms.

  1.     Reporting Incidents

   - Any accidents, injuries, or damages must be reported to the venue staff immediately.

  1.     Governing Law

   - These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.