Caterpillar Setup

For Smaller Intimate Weddings

For Up To 32 Guests

If you're planning a beautiful, intimate wedding of no more than 32 daytime guests, then you might like to consider our Caterpillar Setup for your Wedding Breakfast Meal.

We lay our round tables out in one long row down the center of The East Barn.

You can seat a maximum of 6 people on each of the end tables and 5 people on each of the other tables.

You could place yourselves in the centre of this setup or at the 'head of the table' at the end closest to the dancefloor.

Caterpillar Setup Sheet

Extra Evening Guests

If you've got extra evening guests coming, we'll separate the tables once you've all finished your beautiful celebratory feast and bring in a few extra chairs.

This makes the room look more welcoming as your extra evening guests arrive and ensures they can find a seat if they'd like one.

You won't need a chair for all your evening guests as you'll be hoping a few of them hit the dancefloor to help you celebrate and a good number of your evening guests will head up to The Bar as soon as they arrive.

Complete Your Caterpillar Setup Sheet

High Chairs

We can provide three high chairs for your wedding breakfast at The Ashes Barns.

If you've got more than three gorgeous little babies coming to your wedding breakfast, then you or your guests are welcome to bring extra high chairs.

Please remember that a high chair at a table takes up a space and must be counted as such. Don't hesitate to contact your Events Manager to chat through your seating plan at any time.